#Desc: My mainpage about Debian - my choice of an OperatingSystem.
On this page you will find informations about Debian, my choice for
an operating system. If you like to take a look at the packages that I am
currently official maintaining, here is a list of them (in order in which
I took over the maintainership of them):
francine: This is a themeable console login
program with support for ansi graphics and hook-based events. Really a
nice thing :)
tetradraw: I did package this program for the people to be able to do
their own login screen. After all it's an ansi drawing program - and
quite handy. Please notice that it only works on the console due to a
strange handling of keyboard bindings. If someone has a hint how to
solve this don't hesitate to contact me!
rungetty: Another package that I did for the usage with francine. It
allows you to start different programs than just /bin/login and
with specific userid/groupid. Based on mingetty so only useable for
virtual console (not for serial lines).
libapache-stage-perl: This was my first perl-package and is really
helpful if you are developing websites. You can do a staging environment
with it in which you only have to keep the files that you work on - the
others are taken from the production environment. Really nifty!
xmms-sid: A plugin package for xmms -- the x multimedia system. With
this plugin you can play your favorite sid tunes aka C64 soundfiles in
xmms. Unfortunately the patch for selecting different tunes with the
songposition ruler wasn't applied yet to the xmms package itself; so I
just included it in the doc directory if you like to apply it
xblast: I was a true fan of that type of game
since I played it on a computer party back in the x-mas holidays in 1992
in denmark. It was the commercial version called dynablaster on an amiga
and made me quite addicted. When I stumbled over xblast on linux a dream
came true - it was possible to see what's going on in there and even add
features to it. One of these features is now in the package -- the abort
flag hack. Not really done by me but by a friend of
me. About xblast-tnt, I'm already working on packaging it and
have to check first if it is better to keep the old xblast or simply
replace it with the new. If you have sugguestions on this, please
contact me.
grub-client: This is the client for grub - a
distributed webcrawler. With this client you can help the grub project
to enhance their database. Please notice that it has no connection to
the great bootloader named grub. They know of the problem and are
thinking of getting a new name for it; sugguestions are welcome.
beep: This is an advanced pc-speaker beeper. Where the usual
printf "\a" just offers one single frequency and duration beep
steps in. You can even program little tunes with it. Could be quite
helpful for server-events on servers that don't have a soundcard in
them, or just for fun.
netris: I recently took over this package to make libncurses4 finally
go away. For I am a true tetris fan since quite some while (I loved it
already on my C64) it was a great chance.
t-prot: A TOFU protection script that was mainly done
for mutts display_filter but could be used even from procmail
to bounce bad mails. TOFU is a german language acronym for "Text
oben, Fullquote unten" and means the bad quoting style with included
fullquote after the own text. It simply replaces such lines by a single
line which tells you how much lines were deleted. Really helpful to keep
you calm...
slrnface: This was done as a plugin for slrn to display the
X-Face: header image if you use the newsreader in an
x-terminal-emulator. With an included patch you could use it in mutt,
metakit: My first library package. I took it over since the
former maintainer didn't seem to care for it at all (he had still an
ancient version) and a newer version is needed for grub-client. For he
just packaged it to can package something else and didn't really care
for it I am now maintaining it.
aterm: This package was a little bit forced onto me ;-) The former
maintainer didn't have the nerves anymore to live with a not responding
upstream maintainer so he liked to orphan it and thought about me for
maintaining it because I filed sensible bugreports to it, or such...
It is a really x-terminal-emulator that supports transparency,
background images and other nice things. And it has a small memory
footprint, too.
exiscan: I just recently uploaded that package. It is to be used with
exim to filter received messages through a virus scanner. Just a short
perl script but it does a really good job. If you are looking for a
virus scanner you might want to take a look at clamav.
I have some packages available that I am preparing so you can take a
look at what I'm up to. Please take a look at the following list:
One of these things is the package for freecnc
that I am preparing. You can take a look at the available packages and
I'd be pleased to get feedback so far. I'll upload it to the archive as
soon as I've written the script to download the demo files from
I started packaging mlvwm, an macos-like
windowmanager but found it not interesting enough to use it really. I
simply like my sawfish too much to really maintain it well enough. If
someone likes to take them over feel free to do so - the package is
working quite well already and should offer you a good basis for a nice
Do you have some bandwith to share? If so you could use it on
a valueable project: grub an open source distributed
search engine. It has no connection to the boot loader, only the same name
Take a look at their page to find out more about it, I personally
think it's really worth to use. I have build a debian package for it which
is currently available both in testing and unstable.
I am also a proud member of the Debian SETI@HOME Team. These are the
stats of our team:
# http://www.setistats.de/new/wc.php4?id=753&size=16&font=xfiles&col2=0,0,0&col1=204,204,204&txt=Alfie