rhonda.deb.at / ASCII Art -- unsorted                    
 |o o|----.  ,--.
  \Y/m=__m=\/ alf

 ------ original ------           ------ diddle ------
<alien/ sammy somethingorother>

  °·._.·°                               .,_.,
   (o.o)   I come in peace!             (o.o)
   /m^m\                                //^\\
   nn-nn                                nn-nn
ilmk                                  ilmk|alf

            .-*-                    _   _  ___
           / /|\          \/ |> |  |_| |_   |
          _L_             /\ |> |_ | |  _|  |
        ,"   ".           ====================
    (\ /  O O  \ /)        a X11 clone of the
     \|    _    |/        famous game known as
       \  (_)  /             dynablaster or
       _/.___,\_               bomberman!
      (_/ alf \_)

 ------ original ------              ------ diddle ------
                                     | \              ///////
           ,--.                      |  \,--.        ///////
     ,--. (    )                   ,--. (    )      /__ __/
    (    )-`--<                   (    )_:--<         //
     `--/      \                   `--/~     \       //
       |---+--+-|   _                |   +  + |   _ //
        \    - /   ( )_               \    - /   ( //
  )   ___)----/____/ (_)        )   ___)----/____/ (_)
 (   /__/  o /    (_(_)        (   /__/  o /    (_(_)
  `-(  _)   (                   `-(  _)   (     //
     \_)----\`     Ojo             \_)----\`    "Ojo/alf
    ,-.|     \___,-.              ,-.|     \___,-.
   (____)   (______/             (____)   (______/

             ,~~`.                ,'~~.
       __   /~  o|                |o  ~\
  \\__/_   />~ ? _\              /_ ? ~<\
 /_\ /    </ `   /                \   ' \>
             /   \                /alf\
           /\-----/\            /\-----/\
           \|-----|/            \|-----|/
            |     |              |     |
            |  _  |
            | |_) |
            | |   |
            |     |
            |     |
            |  _  |
            | |_  |
            | |_  |
            |     |
            |     |
            | __  |
            |  /  |
            | /_  |
            |     |
            |     |

      ,-"K  OST"-.
    ,'BLI  /|  ERR`.
   , U    4||     E .
   |P      ||      I|
   |E      ||      C|
   |R      ||      H|
   |       ||       |
   `      /__\      '      __
    `. SCHILLING  ,'  \\__/_
      `-._1972_.-'   /_\ /

    ,-=-.        .-------------------------------------.
   /     \  ,-- ( My GOD ! I'm surrounded by Assholes ! )
 ,' _o_o_ `.     `-------------------------------------'
 `='\ ^ /`='

    ,-=-.        .-------------------.
   /     \  ,-- (  Mikse feels good ! )
 ,' _o o_ `.     `-------------------'
. ,'\   /`  ,
 =   |u|  `=

    ,-=-.        .----------------------------------.
   / ___ \  ,-- ( Luke, Darth Vader is our father?!? )
 ,')/o_o\(`.     `----------------------------------'

                | ASCII character table |

      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   The numbers show you the hex-code of
  `.  0123456789ABCDEF   the characters (e.g. the letter 'C' has
    `,----------------.  the code 43).
  2x | !"#$%&'()*+,-./|
  3x |0123456789:;<=>?|  Only the characters that you can find
  4x |@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO|  in this box are called ASCII, you
  5x |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_|  shouldn't use any other.
  6x |`abcdefghijklmno|  Also you should see this as a box.
  7x |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ |  If you don't then you have to change
     `----------------'  to a fixed-width font (e.g. COURIER).

 Stick to these simple rules and you will have more fun in

H  H  AA  PPP  PPP  Y  Y    BBB  III RRR  TTTTT H  H DDD   AA  Y  Y !!
H  H A  A P  P P  P Y  Y    B  B  I  R  R   T   H  H D  D A  A Y  Y !!
H  H A  A P    P       Y    B  B  I  R  R   T   H  H D  D A  A    Y
H  H A  A P    P    YYY     BBB  III R  R   T   H  H DDD  A  A YYY  !!

                   (\  /)_
                   _\\//_ \    ______________
                  |  ||  | \  /For: _        |
                  |__||__|  \/|    (_ee _|ay |
                  |__||__|  <o|From:         |
                  |  ||  |   \|     alf      |
                  |__||__|    \______________|


    ASCII Character Table   The numbers show you the hex-code of
    =====================   the characters (e.g. the letter 'C' has
       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     the code 43).
   `.  0123456789ABCDEF
     `,----------------.    Only the characters that you can find
   2x | !"#$%&'()*+,-./|.   in this box are called ASCII, you
   3x |0123456789:;<=>?||   shouldn't use any other.
   5x |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_||   Also you should see this as a box.
   6x |`abcdefghijklmno||   If you don't then you have to change
   7x |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ||   to a fixed-width font (e.g. COURIER).
       `----------------'   Use only these characters and you will
                   [alf]    have more fun in news:alt.ascii-art

(o)_   Small penguin for signatures
(v)_   (no tag for it for it's too simple)

/@    ~-.
\/ __ .- |      SuSE chameleon
 // //  @  alf

     V/##\ V
    \V#V##mm m
     VV#i#m m m
     V\#i/m m m

 (___/~      first attempt at a little dog (sigsized)
  l l alf   (not rendered, just drawn)  Add 2 more legs, if you like..

(I) gee, it's six o'clock (somewhere around the world ;)

(____)===O   one slam for free


 ------ original ------            ------ diddle ------
            /\                     .--~~ /\ ~~--.
           /  \                  /      /  \      \
          /    \               ,'      /    \      `.
  -------/------\-------       -------/------\-------
  `~--._/        \_.--~'       `~--._/        \_.--~'
       /`~--  --~`\            `    /~~--__--~~\    '
      /  _--'`--_  \            \  /  _-~  ~-_  \  /
     /_-~        ~-_\            `/_-~        ~-_\'
                                    ~~--____--~~    -Nightshifter/alf

/L\   What, is it really that late??

3ooE  Coud it be userfriendly's dust puppy? You need much imagination,
mmmm                                                        I think...
 JL        <http://www.userfriendly.org/static/>

3ooE  Slightly improved version.

 ------ original ------          ------ diddle ------

  | `.      `.                     .---.
  |   `.      `.                   |`.  `.
  |     `.      `.                 |  `.  `.
  |       `.      `.               |    `.  `.
  |         `.      `.             |      `.  `.
  |   |`.     `.______`.           |        `.  `.
  |   |  `.    |        |          |   |`.    `.__`.
  |   |   |`.  |        |          |   |  `.   |   |
  |   |   |  `.|________|          |   |   |`. |   |
  |   |___|       `.               |   |   |  `|___|
  |   `.   `.       `.             |   |___|.   `.
  |     `.   `. ______`.           |    `.   `. __`.
  |       `.   |        |          |      `.   |   |
  |    .    `. |        |          |   `.   `. |   |
  |   | `.    `|________|          |   | `.   `|___|
  |   |   `.      `.               |   |   `.   `.
  |   |     `.      `.             |   |   | `. __`.
  |   |   |   `.______`.           |   |___|   |   |
  |   |___|    |        |          |   `.   `. |   |
  |   `.   `.  |        |           `.   `.   `|___|
  |     `.   `.|________|             `.   `.   `.
   `.     `.      `.                    `.   `. __`.
     `.     `.      `.                    `.   |   |
       `.     `.______`.                    `. |   |
         `.    |        |                     `|___|
           `.  |        |          mbfh/alf

 /|  /|
| / | /

 ------ original ------        ------ diddle ------
         (_ )                          (_ )
      \\\'',)                          '',)
        \/  \ ^                      3-/--\ ^
        .\._/_)                       .\._/_)
       azc / ejm                  azc / ejm / alf

               /"\   /"\         __
on request:   |oO`| /.'O\   \ \_/_
(lava lamps)   \o/  \ o /  /_\ /
               /_\   \n/

 The next request:
            ,,--''"""""""/` -..
           / _,-7 /] /] /,-',- \
           \   / /_ /_ / \  `-,/
            `-' .._______,,--' alf

            _,------.__,-'        `.  .            .
         .-'                        `//__          \\
        |                           ((___`-_____    ))
        |                            \_alf)     \`=:'
        |                               `=|      |=,'
       /                                  | O   (|
      /  /\                               |      |
     /  /  \    .                          \     |
    |  /   /|  / `--.   ___            __,,-.    |
    | /   //  /      `-'   \  ,_    /''     |  o o|
   / |   | |  |             \ \ `.  |        ``--'
   mmm   | |  |              \ \ |  |
         | |\ |              |  ||  |
         | | ||              / / `. )
          \ \ \\            / /   | |
           |_| ||          / /    | |
               |_\         \_|    |  \

   ,-'     `.
   |.     ,-'`.
   | `.,-'     `.
    >-'`.     ,-|
 ,-'     `.,-'  |  Anyone like to spend some time on tetrinet.org?
 |.     ,-'`.,-'
 | `.,-'     `.
 `.  |. alf ,-|
   `.| `.,-'  |
     `. |  ,-'

   ,-' | `.
 .< ,-' `. `.
 | `.     `. `.   Someone got any mail for me?
  `. `.     `.|
    `. `.   ,-'

 ,-'`.      ,--.
 `.`. `.   ( ("
   `.`. `. / ,~
     `.. `< /    Join in doing obASCIIs or I'll screw you ;)
        `. `.
        / >. `.
       / /  `,-'`.
       O/ alf`.-'

  |  |   |  |  Somehow felt like doing an tennis ball...
   \ `._,' /

    .       .
   O-'oo   7   Quick'n'Dirty Versuch von Wilber, The GIMP.


  / v\\  own tux try -- not really good :(
 .l   ul

     |                             |
     |                             |
     |   H\ H  _  |_  H^b d"` H^b  |
     |   H\\H d_) |   H-< Y8b H 8  |
     |   H \H Y_, |_  HvP ._P HvP  |
     |                             |
     | Because Theo is an asshole! |
     |                             |
     |                             |

     /' _____/
    (__( __
   _____)  )
  /______,/  alf

    ------ original ------                ------ diddle ------

  o0°O°oOo          o0°O°oOo           o0oO.oOo          o0oO.oOo
 |Oo0Oo°oO|        |Oo0Oo°oO|         |Oo0Oo.oO|        |Oo0Oo.oO|
(__________)=\    (__________)=\     (__.___.___)=\    (__.___.___)=\
(__________) ||   (__________) ||    (_.______._) ||   (_.______._) ||
(__________) ||   (__________) ||    (______.___) ||   (______.___) ||
(__________)=/    (__________)=/     (_.____.___) ||   (_.____.___) ||
 \        /        \        /        (__._____._) ||   (__._____._) ||
 [________]        [________]        (_._.___.__)=/    (_._.___.__)=/
                                      \        /        \        /
                                      [________]        [________]

  //    |o o|
 | |    |_7_|
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   /   /  . | | |___
  /   /   : \ |`___w)
 )   / o..'  \|    T
  `.'`._alf_.'|    |
   |        |      |
   |        |      |
   |   /    |      |
    \ /    /       |
     >    /        |
    /   /|         |
   /  |  |         |
 _/  /|  |         |
[   / | (          |
 | |  q  \         |
 |__\  \__)        |

  ASCII Zeichen-Tabelle   Die Nummern zeigen den Hex-Code der Zeichen
  =====================   an (z.B. hat das Zeichen '[' den Code 0x5B).
 `.  0123456789ABCDEF     Nur die Zeichen, die in dieser Box zu finden
   `,----------------.    sind, werden ASCII genannt; Du sollst keine
 2x | !"#$%&'()*+,-./|.   anderen verwenden (auch keine Umlaute).
 3x |0123456789:;<=>?||
 4x |@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO||   Ebenfalls solltest Du das als Box sehen.
 5x |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_||   Falls nicht, dann musst Du einen Schriftsatz
 6x |`abcdefghijklmno||   mit gleichen Zeichenbreiten verwenden
 7x |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ||   (z.B. ``Courier New'').
     `----------------'   Verwende nur diese Zeichen und Du wirst mehr
                 [alf]    Spass in news:de.alt.rec.ascii-art haben.

        ________________                ________________
       |                |              ||""""""""""""""||
       |                |              ||  Q     O     ||
       |                |  personal    ||  |'___`|     ||
       |                |    diddle    ||  HL | JH     ||
       |                |              ||              ||
       |________________|              |================|
      ,' n  n  n  n  n ,|             ,' n n n n n n n ,|
    ,' n  n  n  n  n ,','           ,'n n n_n_n n n n,','
  ,'_n__n__n__n__n_,','           ,'_##___/__/__##_,','
  |________________|'             |____________alf_|'

       Yb        dP d'"`b d'"`b ""8"" d'"`b d'"`b 8""" ""8""
        Yb  db  dP  8   8 8   8   8   Yb.   8   8 8      8
         E   N   T   E   R   T   A   I   N   M   E   N   T

/"_ _  _  / /"_     /
\_/(/,(/,/< \_//"/"(_   as birthday present for a dear friend :)
2022-08-31: source changed
2022-08-31: HTML compiled
©opyright 1999++ by Rhonda

[html by vim] [graphics by gimp]

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