On this page you'll find infos about Rhonda's very
own pcp. This little FAQ might help you:
Feel free to notice me if you have any
sugguestions either for this page or for the program itself.
... is the pcp? pcp stands for Perl
Cron-Poster and is a short but nice perl-script that allows
you to set up a cronjob for regular postings (like FAQs and stuff). I
wrote it for myself for the miniFAQ-Posting for the Newsgroup
at.linux. But I'm quite sure that it will be helpful to
all the others out there that have the same problem.
... can you get the pcp from? Well, from here
:-) It is a plain text file and not very big so I refused from packing
it (it wouldn't help you much). Also notice that there is no
version-control here at the moment. This will change in the future, I
hope ;)
... can you use the pcp? Well, that's a little difficult to say for
the development isn't quite straitforward and the pcp can (and will!)
change in several ways (to make it easier to configure, first of all
So at the moment there are the following sugguestions for you:
- Generated MID: You will have to change the MID (line 26).
- Old MID-File: The path to the old MID-File needs to be changed, too
(line 27).
- Message: The message has to be change (line 55ff).
If you speak perl it should be no problem at all for you.
But it shouldn't be too hard to understand even if you don't know perl.
However, there are several restrictions to the program: You
shouldn't trust it too much. It might misfunction if you change some bits
on the wrong place or set up your cron-job wrong. You might end up
posting tons of messages to the groups (or even others, if you are not
careful). You are on your own then - I take no responsibility for the
program. In more general words: The warranty-paragraph of the GPL applies
to this piece of code!
If you want to use this piece of code for commercial postings
beware that they are not allowed everywhere. Even if you don't you have
to notice to not post too often and/or in too many groups (this also
applies for commercial usage, of course ;). If you want to post to a
group check first for the rules for that group or you might get into
serious troubles.
If you get into troubles - don't blame pcp for it. You did
set it up to do the things it does, right? So first search for the reason
at your part of the end.
..., there is a copyright to this piece of crap? Well, yes.
Like every piece of intelectual work even this short hack has a
copyright. It goes to me, Gerfried Fuchs. I am the
intelectual owner of the code. To become a little more serious,
the copyright that applies to this program goes like this:
pcp - Perl Cron-Poster: a short perlprogram that helps you posting ..
Copyright (C) 2000 by Gerfried Fuchs .. FAQ's and stuff
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Especially, I take no responsibility for anything this
program does. If it doesn't work for you, if you think it works in a
wrong way, or even if it does any harm to anyone or anything I am not
responsible for that - you used it, you are responsible. This might sound
hard but noone said that life is easy, right? :-P
So far, so good...
What else is to do? Well, there are several things that I planed:
- Reading the message from a seperate file
- Making the setup easier (commandline-options, ...)
- cron-interface
- plausibility-check for old MID
- (fill in your own ideas)
So, as said before - if you have any sugguestions to make I'd
pleased to hear of them so drop me an email.