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Tue, 30 Aug 2016

Thomas D

It's not often that an artist touches you deeply, but Thomas D managed to do so to the point of that I am (only half) jokingly saying that if there would be a church of Thomas D I would absolutely join it. His lyrics always did stand out for me in the context of the band I found about him, and the way he lives his life is definitely outstanding. And additionally there are these special songs that give so much and share a lot. I feel sorry for the people who don't understand German to be able to appreciate him.

Here are three songs that I suggest you to listen to closely:

  • Fluss: This song gave me a lot of strengh in a difficult time of my life. And it still works wonders when I feel down to get my ass up from the floor again.
  • Gebet an den Planeten: This songs gives me shivers. Let the lyrics touch you. And take the time to think about it.
  • An alle Hinterbliebenen: This song might be a bit difficult to deal with. It's about loss and how to deal with suffering.

Like always, enjoy!

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Sicelo wrote at 2016-08-30 17:04:

Cannot understand the words/language, but the music is awesome (Fluss so far)

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