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Fri, 10 Feb 2006

Curious Meme...

Interactive Johari Window — pick the five or six words that you feel best describe me. Thanks to nilasae for the link. Hopefully it won't /. the server too much, it's already acting quite slow...

/test | permanent link | Comments: 0

Mon, 08 Nov 2004

Which OS are you?

You are Windows 95.  You look better than your older brother, but your communication skills are still lacking.  You start well, but often zone out.
Which OS are You?

Somehow I can't seem to escape my lethargy currently at all. The films I've watched in the last weeks are still not online... At the moment I don't get anything finished — and this very blog entry is lying around since ages, as makeshift... *sigh* Sorry!

/test | permanent link | Comments: 0

Sun, 17 Oct 2004

What's Your Song?

Shortly stumbled over it, couldn't resist, and I am quite happy with the result:

Take the What's Your Song? quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

/test | permanent link | Comments: 0

Sat, 02 Oct 2004

Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?

I've found this really great Kingdom Hearts personality test about my favorite computer game, and couldn't resist doing it. Here's the interesting result:

Take the Kingdom Hearts personality quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria.

Yes, I'll now write more often again. Unfortunately the cardbus of my notebook is dying and thus it is a little bit complicated for me currently to do some things, and I have to change how I do some of the things. There is still a list of things that happened in the last time that I want to write about in my blog. So don't give up hope and have patience on me....

/test | permanent link | Comments: 0

Tue, 29 Jun 2004

What's Your Geek Decade?

I am going to restructure my blog thoughly, and use different sections from now on. This will help me find the things I am looking for hopefully while allowing the people syndicating my blog to only get the parts they are interested. Thus I have stared with this test section now in which I will put the various online tests I do. Yes, I like doing them, why do you ask? :-)
And because I like them and do them regularly they deserve their own section. And to make it on topic for this section here is the one I did today.

I'm A 1960s Geek
You're pretty quirky and weird but we know you're smart and love you anyway!
find your geek decade at spacefem.com

/test | permanent link | Comments: 0

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