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Mon, 11 Jul 2005

First impressions of debconf5

You don't have to follow all the links in the text, take a look at the overview gallery of the different days so far: 2005-07-08, 2005-07-09, 2005-07-10, 2005-07-11.

After a while my luggage arrived in HEL. The days so far had been quite hot, enjoying hanging around with people I've only been in contact via email, irc, or even not at all yet.

Some of them were overexcited to meet again. Some others had problems getting something to eat. (But only for half an hour or such, and only the non-vegetarian ones. Had been nice watching them waiting for their food. ;))

On a sidenode, this could be called the debconf of invalidity. Holger managed to have serious problems with one of his legs right from the start requiring crutches. Jordi was hit by elmo while playing frisbee yesterday and also has problems to move on. And though Amaya is doing pretty well with trying to learn skating she got an incident last night where she managed to get a rather nasty bruise. Others are just disliked by the birds, though (that's madduck's notebook.) I'm really wondering to whom next something is going to happen.

Ah, one last thing: For those being in HEL currently, if you like to buy one of these shirts feel free to bug me, I have several with me, both the girlie shirt and the polo shirt:

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