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Mon, 15 Nov 2004

Productivity, where are thou?

Sometimes one asks themself why nothing is getting finished. One gets the impression that they are only fooling around on IRC, playing games (e.g. kobodeluxe (level 33, btw.) and kq (finished the story so far)) and whatsnot...

On a closer inspection though there are things getting done: etpan-ng hit unstable, libetpan got a new upstream version released by myself, some more bugs detected and reported by myself (including one in kq which I just "played" like mentioned above). And when looking at the German wesnoth.po I'm currently proofreading for wesnoth which is 278k huge I guess being 18% through it isn't too bad neither. Oh, and finally got around and pushed up the current Debian Weekly News to the Linux-Community website again.

Sometimes things just look bad but in fact aren't too bad. Just need to get the server back up again on which my blog is hosted so you can read about this. I'm on my way, honey.

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