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Tue, 17 Aug 2004

Sarge gonna release without XBlast-TNT, ldapvi not on mips

According to the release update today is the last day for low priority uploads which can make it into sarge. That means that XBlast-TNT won't make it. A pity, though I guess it is better that way because we are making quite huge changes currently. There is a chat mode underway, and the XILE (XBlast Integrated Level Editor) is also currently wandering into our CVS. So, stay tuned. I will offer packages through http://rhonda.deb.at/debian/xblast-tnt/ — in fact I have already uploaded a first snapshot of my packages there (although it is based on an older snapshot). I won't provide an clean upgrade path for those though, especially the version scheme has to be settled. I don't want any epoch in it already before I upload it into the pool — I hope you don't mind too much.

On the other hand, I'm wondering why ldapvi hasn't been picked up by mips yet. Granted, it has no old version in sarge, so other packages need the buildd more than this package, but still, it would be nice to have it in sync. After all, its not huge. Well, only time will tell....
And it told! During me writing this, it was built. Many many thanks, Madkiss!!

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