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Fri, 18 Nov 2005

that's what friends are for

After quite a while a new Haiku. This time it's somewhat longer, and (like mostly) due to recent happenings. I hope you like it as much as the person for whom I wrote it.

friends are there for you
they help you through thick and thin
that's what friends are for

to depend on them
is just really natural
don't try to be strong

show them how you feel
if they are true friends for you
they are there for you

helping through bad times
is what friendship is about
so don't try to hide

friends are there in good
but you find out when in bad
who is your real friend

people hanging out
when you are in your good times
are nice, but real friends?

so bad times are good
if you want to find it out
who is real, who's not

that's what friends are for
they help you through thin and thick
friends are there for you

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