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Sat, 31 Jul 2004

AcceptLang blosxom plugin

It's finished! I have done another plugin for the blog software of my choice. This time I can present you AcceptLang which allows people to blog in multiple languages, but displays to the users only the language they want to read. My entries will be available in German and English from now on. My blog will parse the Accept-Language header directly, and if you want to request either english or german directly just add the parameter lang=en or lang=de to the URL. This especially works for the syndicated feeds. Documentation will be added soon. For now, UTSL.

Some might ask why. Quite easy: planet gnome-de is a collection of blogs for German language support in GNOME. Thus it was quite obvious that the blogs there should be in German language, too. So during the discussion I suggested to do this plugin so people can read them in the language they prefer. There you are. Of course I've set the default language to english, to the syndicators so far are not irritated.

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