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Fri, 09 May 2014

Rhonda's Free Hugging Guidelines

Recently I was wearing my Free Hugs shirt to different Free Software meetings, and I came up with the idea if we are advocating the Free in Software specificly, why not come up with Free Hugging Guidelines, too. So here they are, from now on considered to be named the RFHG.

  1. Free Redistribution

    Your hugs may not restrict any party from passing on the hugs they received from you.

  2. Source Code

    The hugs must be possible to be perceived and understandable in complete. You are not allowed to use any special techniques that can not be perceived.

  3. Derived Works

    Your hugs must be allowed to be modified, and must allow the modified forms of your hugs to be distributed under the same terms as they received them.

  4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code

    While you are allowed to pass on the hugs in modified form, you are not allowed to modify the DNA of the original person you received the hugs from. Genetic modification is out of the scope of the RFHG.

  5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

    While we acknowledge that you might not feel willing to hug everyone, you must apply rules that do not distinquish by rules which would violate The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Furthermore, you have the right to not hug a person if you are not in the mood for it. Please refrain from wearing any Free Hugs markers at those times though.

  6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor

    The hugs can not be restricted to be used in a specific field of endeavor. For example, you may not restrict the hugs from being passed on only in times of sorrow.

  7. Distribution of Hugs

    The rights attached to the hugs must apply to all to whom the hugs are redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.

  8. Hugs Must Not Be Specific to Rhonda

    The rights attached to the hugs must not depend on the hugs being related to Rhonda. If the hugs are extracted from Rhonda and used or distributed without Rhonda nearby but otherwise within the terms of the hug's permissions, all parties to whom the hugs are distributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with Rhonda.

  9. Hugs Must Not Contaminate Other People

    If you are contagious (e.g. got the flu, or worse) you have to apply appropriate counter measures to not transfer your illness with your hugs.

  10. Example Hugs

    This Group Hug modification and of course the Free Hugs Campaign are great examples of what we consider Free.

One last note: If you feel like it you don't have to wait until I wear my Free Hugs shirt again. I am fine with receiving (or giving) hugs like almost always. Surprise me. I at least know then that you read the RFHG. :)

Like always, enjoy!

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wussy wrote at 2014-05-10 09:59:

I love it!!


avl wrote at 2014-05-13 07:11:

ist ja gut, dass das jetzt auch klar geregelt ist ;^)

Sven Guckes wrote at 2014-05-14 13:46:

*hug* :-)

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