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Wed, 07 Jul 2004

Back from LinuxTag

Have been to LinuxTag this year. Drove there with maxx by train. I got a great price reduction for my ticket because I was a co-driver. Funnily I paid less without any additional reduction ticket, which he had. I didn't know where to sleep until I came there, where I was told that there has been logistic problems with some hotel booking, so I was able to sleep at the hotel. Was quite a walk there, though.

The not funny part was that my wife was getting ill the same day, but she said I should at least stay the next day for my talk so I didn't go there for nothing. I tried to help Ganneff and Tolimar with the booth as good as I could, to make up for my early leave. Met quite some people, both for keysigning and a short talk, both old pals and new faces (most interesting to me was Sven Herzberg from GNOME Germany — quite charming guy!). Even had a short discussion with Georg Greve from FSF Europe about some short topics, but I guess he wasn't really sure where to put me. The only talk I really watched was the one from Andreas Tille about "Custom Debian Distributions" — really interesting visions and future coming up. I need to grab his magicpoint sources though, he had some quite interesting things in it that I tried to achieve myself too but didn't manage yet. At the evening there was the software patent demo, and after a short stay at the AKK I went back home again. We had some MMTW there too, some picutres are in my gallery. Was quite fun.

I've shot some pictures and they are available already. Like with the pictures from the Linuxwochen they are still unsorted and not rotated. Please don't link them directly but rather just the directory.

Being back I managed to do an upload for rungetty again. Somehow a group sticky bit managed to hit the .orig.tar.gz of it and some people could have problems building it (although the build daemons are not in that range). Also I now adopted the idea that I should call initgroups(3), I don't know why I didn't like the idea originally.

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