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Mon, 31 May 2004

Linuxwochen in Vienna over, debconf5, Lullaby songs wanted

The Linuxwochen in Vienna are over. The four days were quite exhaustive, but true fun. You will be able to read a report of the event online (soon, once some parts are approved). I sincerely hope that someone gets put a report for the debconf together that happend at the same time so I know what I've missed...

Speaking of the debconf, debconf5 won't happen in Vienna. I am unfortunately too busy to do all the things on my own. Especially private life is a little bit more CPU intensive these days, and after the Linuxwochen I need a break. There were some others that would have loved to help, but unfortunately not enough that I could without any bad feeling say that it will meet my own standards when it happens. Debconf will happen in Vienna though, but not next year. Its definitely too short now to get everything set up and finished in time. Helsinki is on the run, and have some quite interesting sponsoring support. I will try to help them at least with some of the results of our brainstorming work so far.

Due to personal interest my wife wants to inspect various Lullaby songs from around the world. Especially from different sorts of cultures. If you are able to send some, please include English/German translation and the original text, and send them to lullaby@alfie.ist.org. Would be really nice.
Btw., no need to send German songs, we have already a very good source for those and would fear only duplications. If you on the other hand think they are very rare and widely unknown give it a try anyway.

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Mon, 24 May 2004

Linuxwochen coming!

On wednesday the Linuxwochen are starting in Vienna. Debian will be represented with a booth run by me and various other helpful people. I hope that we receive the posters and stuff sent by Noèl and Joey in time so we can put them up. I have some left from last year but none for the upcoming LinuxTag, or the new ones.

Alfie is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


From Go-Quiz.com

Thanks again to Geekgrrl for the intersting link.

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Mon, 17 May 2004

Got the flue, logcheck, xblast update

Finally got the flue again. Was in bed since last week tuesday evening. First thought it was part of the usual backdraft from visiting both of Die Ärzte concerts, but wasn't. Got me quite hard, it seldom lasted that long... Was even too ill to celebrate our wedding day on thursday, unfortunately. That will have to be picked up later, though. Still drinking peppermint tea, for once because I simply like the taste and also because I don't want to get ill too soon again!

Discussed various things regarding logcheck with maks. Helped him to squash quite some bugs. Set up cvs-mailcommit for the alioth CVS. And maks also got me to work on my Bugs.pl script again. He came up with some really good suggestions, nothing hardcoded anymore and flexible enough to use for various tasks.

xblast heavily updated. Almost all data has been put into CVS, only the player models are missing. The files have been split that way so they can be easily released and updated seperately, which will make it easier to package them. No forced image package update anymore just because they come from the same source package. Yippie!
We will do a release soon, and I will start with some first Debian packages for it. xblast is a too great waste of time to let it pass away... Oh yes, some first shape howto is available, too. :)

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Fri, 07 May 2004

What are ASCII-Mailprograms?

Today I've read another one of those nonsense messages. People, don't write ASCII when you in fact mean textbased!! Is that too much asked for??
Well, then maybe it is also too much asked for that people should speak of GNU/Linux instead of Linux. Or, to be even more correct, GNU/Linux™, or even \phi : GNU \rightarrow GNU/i(Linux(TM)). Whatever.

Going to see Die Ärzte tonight... Am totally nervous and happy and looking forward to it... Maybe I'll see some who read this there and don't even notice! "Das sind Dinge von denen ich garnichts wissen will..."

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Tue, 04 May 2004

Hackergotchi image, Kill Bill Vol. 2

I've done my own hackergotchi image now, thanks to Wouter Verhelst's great instructions. Here it is:

Watched "Kill Bill Vol. 2" yesterday. Really great. Yes, I know, people say too much violence, but it was in a way people don't seriously can take it serious. And to say it with the last spoken words in the film (that I expect most of you haven't seen because people always leave before the end of the film....): "Oh, come on, let's do it again!"

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