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Fri, 25 Feb 2005

FreePop Test Packages

From http://rhonda.deb.at/debian/freepop/README:

freepop (0.6.0-0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Would be: Initial Release (closing #296714)
    -- though this is a PREVIEW RELEASE!  _NO_ warranty, not granted upgrade

 -- Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@debian.org>  Thu, 24 Feb 2005 23:03:16 +0100

 That means: I won't guarantee that the next package would not normally require
some Replaces or similar handling, but I won't add it because this is no
upload to the pool. Furthermore I have done only minimal testing so far, and it
really requires an DRI supporting graphics card, otherwise it is deadly slow.
By not having one and not having had the posibility on testing it on my
fastest machine I won't guarantee anything.

 Additionally to the packages herein you will need the clanlib0.7 which is
available from this location: <http://people.debian.org/~fenio/clanlib/>

 Again, you are on your own when using this package. Feedback is welcome, but
don't send me reports about the upstream version (yet), send them to upstream
at <http://freepop.sf.net/> directly. Comments about the packaging might be
helpful, though.

 So long,

So I hope you know where you stand, the packages are available here: http://rhonda.deb.at/debian/freepop/ — have fun!

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