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Tue, 16 Mar 2004

New wesnoth version, blog design

To Shape Teh Future! Wesnoth is out. Like you can see in that announcement (and in #238191) it is a needed update. I have already done an update for backports.org, I have contacted nobse already to have them there, he said he will upload it in the evening (which should happen within the next 8 hours or such, depending on how he defines evening :)). In the meantime you can grab them from wesnoth.debian.net.
If you are wondering about the version that is running there and why I haven't updated it yet: It is there on intention. So you have a meeting place if you want to stick with the version in testing. If you want to play the version in unstable be redirected to meet at devsrv.wesnoth.org. I will update the server version on wesnoth.debian.net as soon as a new version hit testing.

Played a little with my blog, its design fits now into the rest of my website. I will work a little bit more with it so it works well with the WML design of the rest of my page which should make design changes easy for me in the future. I hope I can straighten it out and start working on my website again...

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