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Mon, 19 Apr 2004

Star Trek - The New Empire

It cought me: Star Trek — The New Empire layed a tractor beam on me. Unfortunately this game is German language only, but it doesn't involve much time needed and seems nice (at least the three ticks I played so far).

Finally the logcheck bug #193161 has been fixed for stable. There seem to have been lots of misunderstandings around this, but it still is a pity to see Steve giving up and handing the package over to someone else. I hope those persons will handle it like this nice package deserves. I've noticed that Matt uploaded the package with my name in the Changed-by: field as credit for extracting the relevant patch. Too generous....
I already raised interest in security work when Steve blogged about David Wheller's Secure Programming HOWTO but I guess that is too long for me to offer a translation. I will read it at least and try to help when I get informed that help might be needed like this time, again. Funny coincidence: I am thinking for quite a long time about packaging bricolage now for which Erich did some preliminary packages, and guess what: The main author is David Wheeler. At least (I hope) this package won't need any security update, then... :-) On the other hand, never say never.

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