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Mon, 22 Mar 2004

My grandma died....

Today my grandma died. I know that her almost 92 years were quite much and that it got harder for her from week to week. Fortunately for her from what I've heard yet she didn't have much ache and it happened quite fast. My father came in shortly before and told me that she is to be dying, that he talked to her in the morning but doesn't recognize her anymore and that the nurses sent him off (she was at home at least). An hour later he called and told us that she died now....

Like said, she was quite old already. Still, it hurts when you lose some of your own.... I am not sure what I will do in the next time. Work harder to fight the pain, be more depressed (More? Hey, you can't get more depressed!) and lose grip, or something completely different.... Only time can tell.

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